Well... I work with two magical photographers whose names are Courtney Rodwell and Jorge Suarez... and today we went to a thrift store down in Miami to finds items for a photo shoot tomorrow. We're going to be shooting @ a Ranch with horses so we went looking for a beautiful black dress. We wanted something bold, dramatic, and fabulous. The outfit still needs to be tweaked. So I need to start working on it pronto! I'm sooo excited! But here are some pictures from a little adventure today...
Here's Miss Courtney rockin' a fabulous lime green blazer!

We always find great stuff for really cheap! Starting...

@ $1.50 (lol)

We were starving after a "stressful" day of shopping n stopped by Dominos Pizzzzzza :) sooooo meaty


Half Pepperoni Half Cheese Pleeeeease!